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15 Ekim 2010 Cuma

Top 5 Myths about Drinks

Diet Pop is healthier than Regular Pop

One can of regular pop contains about 135 kilocalories whereas a can of diet pop contains less than 10 kilocalories; some even contain zero kilocalories. Therefore, it is true that diet pop contains fewer calories. However, it is rather difficult to agree that diet pop is "healthier" as there is really nothing healthy about artificially colored and flavored water.
It is less fattening to drink juice than milk

Many people are surprised to learn that a glass of juice contains more calories than a glass of one percent milk. Even two percent milk has only 10 kilocalories more than a glass of fruit juice, which has 120 kilocalories! While juice contains mostly sugar and some vitamins, milk has more nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium and Vitamin D.

All bottled waters such as sparkling water, tonic water, flavored water, and mineral water are WATER
Yes, plain bottled water is water and is calorie-free. Some flavored waters are made with water and real juice. However, many flavored waters are flavored with artificial sweeteners and contain little juice. Tonic water, for instance, has 125 kilocalories per serving. Hence, always read the label and check the ingredient list. If you drink bottled water instead of tap water regularly, make sure it contains fluoride.
Drinking wine instead of beer won't make a beer-belly

It is a common misconception that wine contains fewer calories than beer. It is simply not true. One glass of wine (five ounces) contains about 130 kilocalories whereas one bottle of beer (12 ounces) has about 150 kilocalories. Therefore, wine contains more calories on a per-ounce basis. As a general rule, the sweeter the wine, the more sugar and calories it contains. By the same token for hard liquor; the higher the proof, the higher the calories.

Remember this next time when you are contemplating a second helping of alcohol: calories from alcohol tend to be stored as fat in the abdomen. So, if you drink alcohol on a regular basis (regardless of the kinds of alcohol), watch out for the beer-belly!
Coffee is the main source of caffeine

Friends have often told me that they quit drinking coffee for the sake of their hearts. Little did they know that the can of pop in their hands has caffeine, too! Caffeine is widely found in tea and canned drinks. Some drinks, such as Jolt and Red Bull, contain as much caffeine as coffee! In general, there is no harm to your health if you drink coffee in small to moderate amounts. However, it is advised that people with high blood pressure and pregnant women limit their caffeine consumption.